
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vampire Diaries photo shoot AND process

My final photography task. Originally based on the Vampire diaries, however i mostly drew inspiration from the "vampire" part and there isn't a real connection to the show, apart from the one image. It was more of a cinematic exploration, telling a story with still images; evoking emotions (primarily fear lol).
I did a few double exposures by "sandwiching" two negatives in the enlargers in the dark room. Took a lot of test prints, lots of dodging in, but i'm happy with how they came out. For the two scream images i took inspiration from russian surrealism in the 1930s. I had no particular photographer in mind, but my concept seemed adaptable to that style of photography, so when i was photographing it was in the back of my mind. I mean, vampires are surreal anyway.

Something i learnt from this task and photoshoot...
Planning a shoot is important - finding a location and already having an idea of where you'll place people and how is helpful before the shoot. Doing visual research, drawing on other photographers work for inspiration makes a huge difference.
Write it down - note some of the shots you want, because between interacting with the models, the camera and the scene, it's easy to forget and you get into panic mode. It also makes you seem organised.
Bring extra lighting - I used a windshield protector as a reflector which made a significant difference. A huge emergency light can work as well or a torch.
Explore the area - keep an eye out for things that are already there that you didn't picture in your head, such as the clouds and such, don't over look these things!
 Go with your gut - behind the view finder things appear changed so just explore do some things organically, intuitively. Some of my stronger photos were last minute after thoughts, the last shot on a roll where i took more of a risk, noticed and took advantage of some nice lighting, or adopted another persons perspective.

Mostly that was a small reminder for myself, i hope it helps someone. I learnt something, feels good man. lol

Friday, December 9, 2011


just an extra i liked
For our second task in photography, we were asked to explore night photography, and concentrate on showing what goes on at night secretly. This had a lot to do with darkness being evocative of mystery. I quite liked this task since i'm comfortable with dark and mysterious photos lol. We also needed to produce one partial portrait and one absent portrait. I wanted focused mine on alcoholism, not the teen binge drinking, but serious a serious take. My first roll was terrible, in two ways : 1. i didn't know how to use 3200 iso film properly, i didn't keep in mind the aesthetic differences ( large grain and little midtones ) and so i messed up my exposure times, producing very dark images i couldn't work with. 2. i did very cliche and uninspired shots of beer bottles with large shadows. nothing special. it was just documentary.
My second roll, luckily, was a lot better and i explored being in that state of mind, which comes through in my 2 final prints - seeing only the alcohol and being trapped in that way of living. The first image is more documentary, a simple shot of an alcoholics space. The 2nd image is my first double exposure :) 

i think my photography has developed quite a bit since this series: experience you like
lol always embarrassing to look at work in retrospect

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bare and Clean

So for task one of photography 2 : documentation, we picked out of a hat, two "action" words to inspire a roll of photographs, otherwise we wouldn't know what to shoot. It didn't really matter particularly whether your word is communicated through the photographs, however my words were 'bare' and 'clean'.
My approach to bare was to link it with privacy, we bare or reveal something hidden - reveal one's true self - in private. Visually i expressed that through nakedness, however i also used the door way to reveal something hidden with a voyeuristic feel. The doorway also suggests that we may only catch a glimpse of someone in

My interpretation to clean negative and clinical, expressed with the

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nightmares and Shadows

So in my first year studying Visual Communication, we had to illustrate a small poem, creating a zine. I didn't pick up my process work though, and now I don't remember which poem it was :/
However I took this series of images for it, which I found organising folders on my HD. They were created with this light that changes colour, so they were amazing reds, magentas, eerie green. Sadly they needed to be black and white for the assignment and since then, because I was unhappy with my final design and the assignment, I deleted most of the images :( It's a shame, because they have some potential. I think I'll definitely reshoot these, or something similar. Counting down the last 4 extremely busy weeks of uni :/

Looks like the girl from The Ring


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Band Photoshoot

October 8th i was lucky enough to participate in the UNSW Photoclub bandshoot and took these images of In Measures! They're seriously great, check them out here: in measures
Since they've been released I can finally show them :) It was quite fun playing around with studio lighting which I'm looking forward to improve on in the future :) I don't think I was the best creative director, I was too engrossed in the image taking process and probably too bossy :* sorry guys!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Some photos from the train trip to Muswellbrook for my two week break, and driving in the car to Singleton for some Op Shopping. The Hawkesbury River, Epping, Woy Woy all look so beautiful, there are so many cute houses, very different from where I live and such nice scenery. I'm sure to most people this would sound silly, but coming from South West Sydney they're quite lovely and this is basically a mental note for myself, to make sure I do day trips in these places and take lots of photos. :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fairfield Protest and Street Photography

This is not the Jersey Shore!!

Due to a rapidly growing population, a lot of  ugly large scale apartments have been put up that look awkward and stand out 

Police checking out their mates bike

Where else do you find a Burmese grocery?

The police car just stopped in the middle of the intersection. I knew something was going to go down
"End Detention Now! Refugees Action Coalition"

"Stop the Malaysia Solution. Welcome refugee boats"

Another new apartment complex. There have been perhaps 4 in the last 3 years built. With another 2 under construction. However, the house prices are still way too high for people in this area. I also heard a famous NRL star lives in one of the newest apartments with a rooftop pool :D :D

Nice buskin' man. We've been getting a few pop up now. There used to only be one busker, a young man with a flute. I wonder where he and his dog are now...
The Bondeno Cafe is always packed outside. Always empty inside
Some Turkish game I think

Quite proud of myself for approaching these old men for a photo. I've always been worried because of our different backgrounds and English levels, and people find cameras very intrusive. But they were very nice and simply smiled and waved :)