
Friday, December 9, 2011


just an extra i liked
For our second task in photography, we were asked to explore night photography, and concentrate on showing what goes on at night secretly. This had a lot to do with darkness being evocative of mystery. I quite liked this task since i'm comfortable with dark and mysterious photos lol. We also needed to produce one partial portrait and one absent portrait. I wanted focused mine on alcoholism, not the teen binge drinking, but serious a serious take. My first roll was terrible, in two ways : 1. i didn't know how to use 3200 iso film properly, i didn't keep in mind the aesthetic differences ( large grain and little midtones ) and so i messed up my exposure times, producing very dark images i couldn't work with. 2. i did very cliche and uninspired shots of beer bottles with large shadows. nothing special. it was just documentary.
My second roll, luckily, was a lot better and i explored being in that state of mind, which comes through in my 2 final prints - seeing only the alcohol and being trapped in that way of living. The first image is more documentary, a simple shot of an alcoholics space. The 2nd image is my first double exposure :) 

i think my photography has developed quite a bit since this series: experience you like
lol always embarrassing to look at work in retrospect

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