
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Creative piece for typography

Where has the time gone? I mean speaking in real time. I've been staring at this blank page for over an hour with fleeting bursts of thought. And weird thoughts too. How I like the way my moustache tickles my lip. It's not a real moustache either, I can't grow hair there. I'm a little insecure, so I sometimes stick on a fake moustache made of horse hair. They smell at first, but you get used to it. What's cool about fake mo's is you can buy crazy ones that are hard to grow, like the common handlebar moustache, it's my favourite too. I particularly like to curl the tips. I only wear it on special occasions, or when I'm feeling frisky. I bet you're wondering if I date many women. Yes, yes I do. I bet you're also wondering if I just curled my fake moustache. And you'd be right again. I've never had a girlfriend however...they never seem to come back...Well I sure do like the single life.

Even more time has elapsed now. As you can probably tell, I have a short attention span. Maybe it's just because I'm so bored my mind has decided to leave. Speaking of leaving; on my peak hour train trip home, which consisted of me being wedged between two people, I saw some kids smoking cigarettes at Redfern station. This brought in me a swell of that fiery teenage rebellion, the thrill in knowing you'll be caught at any moment, that power you get from breaking rules. Until I remembered I never rebelled. And at that moment someone stepped on my foot as they were trying to leave the carriage, and any last pieces of self respect I had left decided to flee too. How can I say I've passed through adolescence without any rebellion!? Perhaps that's why my parents were always drunk and away on trips; not because they trusted me, but because I was boring.

I was the shy kid, I was that kid who thought he was cool because I didn't follow trends and in that way i would outwardly project 'coolness'. Yeah, my vests with a tie never caught on. I was never out kissing the prettiest girl in school, I was at home reading books or watching my favourite show 


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